Thursday, February 2, 2012

1560s Venetian Court Gown

My most recent -big- project was a Venetian court gown from the 1560s. This was a very ambitious project, probably the most ambitious garb I've made to date, but it's something I've always wanted to do. I completed it in time for coronation in November. Our current Queen of Caid is Venetian, so it was the perfect opportunity.

I will create more posts to highlight the construction process, as well as some individual elements. To begin, I would like to share a couple photos from coronation, along with a list of the pieces involved in the garb.

My dress consists of the following pieces:
-detachable sleeves
-front corset cover insert
-jewelry - necklaces, earrings, girdle
-flag fan

To match my gown, I also made a full Venetian outfit for my boyfriend. His consists of:
-detachable sleeves
-Venetian pants
-hat with feather
-overcoat / loose gown

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